Take control of Your Portfolio
What’s the first thing a prospective client looks at when trying to choose an artist for their wedding day… that’s right, your portfolio!
Be it Instagram, Pinterest, or your personal website, imagery is the best way to sell your services. In the digital age, we consume information at breakneck speed, allowing seconds, if that, to digest what is in front of us. That’s why you need to hook your client at first sight!!
You’ve spent money on training & buying your professional kit. You’ve spent countless hours on setting up your website, your Instagram, and connecting with others in the industry – now it’s important to invest time and money in building your portfolio.
We all have an ideal client and we want to attract that client, by presenting ourselves in a way that draws them right to us. Increase your magnetism!!!
Your Portfolio should speak to your ideal client!
You only have a few seconds to capture your potential clients attention!
If you don't capture your audiances attention within 10 seconds - your loosing engagement

Top 5 reasons to invest in your Portfolio!
1. It allows potential clients to see how talented you are!
2. It allows potential clients to get a feel for your ‘vibe’ and become invested in your work – ultimately leading to more bookings (and let’s be honest, that’s what it’s all about at the end of the day!)
3. Great photos allow you to feel proud of your work – you’re an artist!!
4. Having a store of images to use that you can tap into for social media posts and updating your website keeps your look fresh and current. It’s important to have a presence to remind clients you are there!
5. Great work creates bookings for more great work.
Plus… Its Fun!

Book onto one of our upcoming workshops and inject some excitement back into your imagery while also learning tips and tricks for capturing your work yourself.
During our workshops, you will have professional models, a professional photographer, and wardrobe, based in a studio setting to craft pictures that will add a zing to your visuals! You will learn how to pose clients, and where to stage them even if in their kitchen or on a wedding morning allowing you to produce content on your own.
Simple tricks that our tutor Storme and her team have learnt along the way that they now want to share with you. You will leave feeling re-invigorated and excited to capture lots of new bookings